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Telychka 8 ha
residential complex on the old plant site in the industrial area of Kyiv
Viktor Zotov, Nastia Ponomariova, Roman Slyadnev, Oleksandra Nikitenko
8 ha, 276 000 m²
Since the area is located in the middle of a large post-industrial zone we had to solve first of all a more general problem: how to deal with the whole area of 170 ha?

When the urban rules according the context were determined, the design of the site itself went smoothly and efficiently. A lot of attention is paid to the economic and political relations with the city administration and territory's neighbors. The studies of an international experience accompanied all stages and components of the project.

in the context
in the context
Master plan with perspective surroundings
I stage. Quay
I stage. Quay
I stage. Quay
I stage. Quay for the perspective. Functions on a water
I stage. Quay for the perspective. Functions on a shore
I stage. Quay. Master plan
I stage. Housing. Master plan
I stage. Housing. Master plan
I STAGE. HOUSING. Quarter 1. Option 1 (hallway building type). 1st level plan
I STAGE. HOUSING. Quarter 1. Option 1 (hallway building type). 2nd level plan
I STAGE. HOUSING. Quarter 1. Option 1 (hallway building type). 3nd level plan
I STAGE. HOUSING. Quarter 1. Option 1 (hallway building type). 4nd level plan
I STAGE. HOUSING. Quarter 1. Option 1 (hallway building type). 5nd level plan
I STAGE. HOUSING. Quarter 1. Option 1 (hallway building type). 6-9th level plan
I STAGE. HOUSING. Quarter 1. Option 2 (section building type). 1st level plan
I STAGE. HOUSING. Quarter 1. Option 2 (section building type). 2nd and 3rd level plan
I STAGE. HOUSING. Quarter 1. Option 2 (section building type). 4th level plan
I STAGE. HOUSING. I stage. Housing. Quarter 1. Option 2 (section building type). 5th level plan
I STAGE. HOUSING. Quarter 1. Option 2 (section building type). 6-9th level plan
I STAGE. HOUSING. Section 1-1
II stage. Master plan
II stage. Stylobate: 1st level plan
II stage. Stylobate: 2-3(6)th level plan
II stage. Housing: 1st level plan
II stage. Section 1-1
II stage. Section 2-2
II stage. Section 3-3
Street section 1-1
Street section 2-2
Street section 4-4
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